CPI MOTOR CO.成立於1991年,初期專業生產引擎代工, 1995年開始生產整車,外銷歐洲,近年更與歐洲知名廠商 (如義大利 Acerbis Italia Spa) 共同進行設計及技術合作,陸續開發設計製造出一系列令歐洲各大車廠驚艷的車款
Prochu Formulation (Thailand) Co., Ltd
Carry out business in the manufacturing, trading, importing and exporting of agricultural chemicals for broad care farming to protect their crops from any damages...
Telasia Symtonic
We specialize in devices for energy conservation. Our major products include carbon dioxide (CO2) and carbon monoxide (CO) sensors for demand control ventilation of air-conditioned spaces and for enclosed car parks.